17 - Development of a research priorities agenda for a pediatric emergency medicine network.
Monday, April 25, 2022
3:30 PM – 6:00 PM US MT
Poster Number: 17 Publication Number: 17.405
Roberto Velasco, Hosp. Univ. Río Hortega, Laguna de Duero, Castilla y Leon, Spain; José Antonio Alonso Cadenas, Pediatric Emergency Department, Niño Jesús Children University Hospital, Madrid, Madrid, Spain; Mercedes de la Torre Espí, H. Infantil Universitario Niño Jesús, Madrid, Madrid, Spain; Abel Martínez Mejias, CONSORCI SANITARI DE TERRASSA, TERRASSA, Catalonia, Spain; Santiago Mintegi, Hospital Universitario Cruces, Bilbao, Pais Vasco, Spain; Sandra Yáñez Mesía, Complexo Hospitalario Universitario de A Coruña, Oleiros, Galicia, Spain; Borja Gomez, Pediatric Emergency Department. Cruces University Hospital, Barakaldo, Pais Vasco, Spain
Background: Multicenter networks have emerged in pediatric emergency medicine (PEM) research over the past decades, facilitating the development of multicentre studies. Like other networks, the Spanish Pediatric Emergency Society (RISeuP-SPERG Network) needs to establish its research agenda relevant to PEM to guide the development of future projects
Objective: To define research priorities in the area of PEM for a collaborative network in Spain
Design/Methods: A multicenter study was developed including pediatric emergency physicians from 54 Spanish ED, endorsed by the RISeuP-SPERG Network. Initially, a group of seven PEM experts with larger expertise in research was selected among the members of the RISeuP-SPERG. In the first phase, these experts elaborated a list of research topics by brainstorming technique after reviewing priority items from previous publications of other PEM networks. The coordinators of the Working Groups of the Spanish Pediatric Emergency Society (SEUP) suggested additional research topics. In a second phase, using a Delphi method, we sent a questionnaire based on that list to all RISeuP-SPERG members, to rank each item using a 7-points Likert scale. Those items with a score ≥4 by at least 70% of the members were included in the final list and those that obtained less than 50% were excluded. A second questionnaire with those items that were ranked with a score ≥4 by 50-70% of the respondents was resent to determinate their definite inclusion or removal. Finally, the seven PEM experts, using a modified Hanlon Process of Prioritization (HPP), weighted prevalence (A), seriousness of the condition (B) and feasibility of conducting research projects (C) on that condition to prioritize the selected items. An HPP score was calculated for each item using the mean scores for each of the three domains as follows: HPP= (A+2B)×C. This process was carried out by a third online survey. Once the list of topics was chosen, the seven experts selected a list of research questions for each of the selected items
Results: The Delphi questionnaire was answered by 74 (60.7%) members of RISeuP-SPERG. We established a list of 38 research priorities related to quality improvement (11), infectious diseases (8), psychiatric/social emergencies (5), sedoanalgesia (3), critical care (2), respiratory emergencies (2), trauma (2), neurologic emergencies (1), and miscellanea (4)Conclusion(s): The RISeuP-SPERG prioritization process identified high-priority PEM research topics specific to multicenter research that may help guide further collaborative research efforts within the RISeuP-SPERG network to improve PEM care in Spain