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Courtesy of PAS

Offering Complimentary PAS 2022 Content to the Pediatric Community.

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PAS Opening General Session, Debbie Anagnostelis Keynote Speakers, and Joseph St. Geme Leadership Award

AAP Presidential Plenary: Addressing the Priorities of COVID-19, Mental Health and Equity, Emerging Research

AAP/APA Joint Presidential Plenary on Mental Health

APA Presidential Plenary: Pediatric Scholarship Present and Future

APS Presidential Plenary: Embracing the Diversity of our Mission and the 2022 Norman J. Siegel New Member Outstanding Science Award, Mary Ellen Avery Award, and David G. Nichols Health Equity Award

APS Presidential Plenary: Leading with Science and Integrity and the 2022 John Howland Award

APS/SPR - Joint Presidential Plenary

SPR Presidential Plenary: Protecting an Endangered Species: SPR Supports Pediatric Researchers