Core Curriculum for Fellows
Education Pathway
Trainee Pathway
Highlighted Theme: Racism in Research and Medical Care
Daniel Schumacher, MD, PhD, MEd
Associate Professor with Tenure
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Cincinnati, Ohio, United States
The American Board of Pediatrics (ABP) has committed to using entrustable professional activities (EPAs) in making initial certification decisions in the future and as part of the overall certification framework. EPAs are an approach to competency-based medical education (CBME) that detail the essential activities of the profession that must be performed (e.g., care for a well newborn; care for patients with common, acute problems). These professional activities reflect care that patients need. During training, curricula and assessment must focus on the ability to execute these EPAs with progressively less supervision and ultimately with no supervision. This session will explore the rationale for broad implementation of EPAs in training and using a CBME approach. This session will focus on how CBME and EPAs begin with the needs of patients and work backward to ensuring a trainee-directed approach to preparing trainees execute EPAs without supervision upon graduation. The session will also focus on the importance of mitigating unwanted and harmful biases when assessing trainee’s ability to execute EPAs and making decisions about both graduation and board certification. The relationship between ACGME reporting milestones and EPAs will be explored. The session will conclude with a discussion of the future of the intersection between CBME, EPAs, and certification at the ABP. The timeline, implications, and benefits of these future directions will be shared. Ample time will be included for Q&A to allow for the presenters to addresss the specific needs and questions of the audience.
Speaker: Daniel Schumacher, MD, PhD, MEd – Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Speaker: David A. Turner, MD – American Board of Pediatrics
Speaker: Emily Borman-Shoap, MD – University of Minnesota